About us
Datanumia is 240 experts working in agile mode at the heart of an ecosystem at the cutting edge of data processing and enhancement.

What we do:
With our services, clients can compare the data from their sites with the data from other similar sites and homes. They can measure their consumption based on use (such as heating or lighting) and receive notifications to reduce their consumption or to improve their energy performance. Our teams have developed digital platforms that can process very large volumes of data. They also design algorithms to conduct in-depth analyses.
Datanumia : a combination of data, digital innovation and artificial intelligence
Datanumia combines the agility of an expert start up in the field of energy data with the robustness of EDF’s expertise across the energy value chain.
Thierry BROTPresident
Renan BOURGOISChief Sales & Marketing
Sara MOUJTAHIDChief Product Officer
Dominique VIENNEChief Information Officer
Michel GUICHARDChief Operating Officer
Corinne DUBOISChief Financial Officer
Jean Baptiste ISNARDONChief Technical Officer