
HOME, the market’s most comprehensive customer energy monitoring platform for energy suppliers.

Several offers, many possibilities.

In the context of energy efficiency, Datanumia works alongside energy suppliers to help residential customers understand and manage their energy consumption and carbon footprint.


One of our biggest successes with the EDF group, the largest energy provider in France:

  • 20

    million customers subscribed

  • +4

    million active users

  • 4,2

    connections per user

  • 87%

    overall satisfaction

  • 200

    million monthly visits

image illustrant Home


The energy platform for energy suppliers

Help your residential customers understand and manage their energy consumption, as well as reduce their carbon footprint with our energy monitoring platform.

image illustrant le PGR

Marketing Automation

Support your customers with a dynamic relationship program

Guide your customers towards energy efficiency by promoting more energy-efficient equipments and services - in line  with new uses  -  through personalized multichannel campaigns (email, SMS, push) with various routing options: one-shot, automated, and API calls.


what our clients say

François-Marie Schisler

Product Manager in charge of Real Estate and Energy Management at Civaux

Eventually, this dashboard will enable us to know our global consumption per building and macro-use: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, telecom servers… The iBoard will also allow to compare consumptions year after year, define overconsumption alerts (free from seasonal effects) and resulting actions. Without forgetting to collect reliable information to enrich the Ademe’s counter – the OPERAT platform – these data having to be auditable.

Grégory Trannoy

what our clients say

Gregory Trannoy

Marketing and Customer Experience Director, EDF Commerce

“For EDF, the challenge was simple: how could we make our customers even more satisfied? By reducing their bills with energy-saving tools. E.quilibre is a real success: several million customers use it every day, and a typical user reduces consumption by up to 12%.”


what our clients say

Tiphaine Bougeard

General Manager, Sowee

"Datanumia was a true partner throughout our 12-month launch phase, meeting our demanding timeline and tight deadlines by acting as a true business partner and building a close relationship that enabled us to implement action plans quickly and effectively. And the result? Sowee has a real, differentiated and unique service which is now live on the market."


what our clients say

Kurt Van Cleemput

Marketing Manager Residential at EDF Luminus

"Datanumia’s solution gave us a unique way to add an additional service to our offer, by meeting our customers’ need to better understand and take control of their energy consumption. With more than 350,000 users, is now a key element of the Luminus digital experience."


what our clients say

Melanie Cazes

Head of artificial intelligence projects, EDF

"The Smart Home challenge is to allow customers to synchronize smart objects connected to their e.quilibre portal and offer additional functionalities. We started working with Datanumia in 2015, and we deepened our collaboration in 2018 when we signed multiple contracts with connected object marketers."

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