Instrumentation and maintenance

Complete your energy follow-up with meters and IoT captors

Identify your main energy uses

Thanks to the installation of connected units, you enrich your energy follow-up with additional data.

It will allow you to get a precise overview of your energy consumption.

Instrument your buildings to precisely monitor your energy consumptions

In addition to your standard meters, complementary measuring instruments enable you to get a more precise look on your breakdown of energy consumption. You can then identify consumptions pertaining to a specific area or use. Thus, you understand the proper running of your building better and can prioritize energy optimization works.  

Track occupants comfort within the iBoard

Optimize energy consumption while improving your occupants comfort, it is possible! With the installation of temperature, humidity and air quality captors, you can closely keep an eye on your buildings and their indoor conditions.


Complete your monitoring by tracking your energy performance indicators

Whether in the industrial sector, with the implementation of energy use measurement systems, or in the tertiary sector, with the import of external data (e.g., building occupancy), monitoring Energy Performance Indicators (EPI) offer several advantages in monitoring and improving building's energy efficiency.

The iBoard platform is now compatible with EPC IND-UT-134 form, enabling you to finance your industrial projects for implementing EPI measurement systems.

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